By |Published On: January 10, 2017|

The United States Congress designated January as Cervical Health Awareness Month. During January, NCCC and its many local chapters across the country highlight issues related to cervical cancer, HPV disease and the importance of early detection. While NCCC chapters host events throughout the year, January is a month with a special focus as chapters celebrate Cervical Health Awareness Month and work to spread the word in the communities. More here:

“Chances are you’re familiar with at least one of these well-known health awareness observances. But did you know the calendar is full of special months, weeks, and days that raise awareness for a variety of important health issues and conditions? They’re dates where people with certain health conditions, their loved ones, advocacy organizations, and support groups rally around a common cause: health. Educational, fundraising, and support events are often held during these times. January includes:

  • Cervical Health Awareness Month
  • National Birth Defects Prevention Month
  • National Glaucoma Awareness Month
  • National Radon Action Month
  • National Stalking Awareness Month
  • Thyroid Awareness Month
  • National Winter Sports TBI Awareness Month
  • National Folic Acid Awareness Week (first full week of January)
  • National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week (last week of January)

 Source –

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