Summer Food Service Program
By |Published On: June 21, 2024|

The Summer Food Service Program also know as “Summer Meals” is available in hundreds of communities throughout Oregon, offering free meals and snacks to ALL kids 1-18.

Community summer meal programs are open to all families without paperwork, income verification, and regardless of immigration status. To receive a meal, kids can just drop in during a site’s designated meal times. Many programs also offer fun activities so kids can stay active and keep learning.

Find a site near you

Each summer, Oregon hosts summer meal sites for kids 1-18 all over the state. Summer meal programs may serve a combination of breakfast, lunch, snack, or supper. Some programs also offer learning activities for kids before and after meals. There are several ways to find meal sites in your area.

  1. Call 2-1-1 and an operator can help you find a site in your area and provide you information about that site.
  2. Text “Food” or “Comida” to 304-304; you will be prompted to enter an address and will be texted back a list of sites near you
  3. Use the USDA Summer Meals Site Finder following the instructions below to search for information about sites within your selected area.

* Click here for the Summer Meals Site Finder map

Learn more here

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